Help Unit 1 get to the World Scout Jamboree in South Korea 2023 and get fit along the way with a little of healthy competition thrown in!
The aim is to travel the distance from London to Seoul via all the countries represented by our BSO/BGO contingent, by any non-motorised means. You can record walking, skiing, cycling, rowing, running, hiking logging your kms and sharing photos by joining MyVirtualMission for a small fee that helps fund the contingent, get fit along the way and see if we can meet the goal of 24,432kms!
When you sign up, your mission is to travel 24,432km as an individual but as it's such a long way, we recommend setting up or joining a team. The team can be your family, your school friends, your Scout Group. If you are setting up or would like to join a team, just email Shelly, the WSJ Unit leader, quoting your team's name.
How many groups across the world can we get joining in? There are so many ways you could build this into your programme and of course we can have some competitive fun - who will get to WSJ first!?
The interactive site allows you to see how the other teams are getting on, see photos and connect many fitness apps directly to make logging even easier.
The mission will be launched on the 16th January and will last 6 months, is that enough time to reach our destination?
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Registered Charity (England & Wales): 1031632
8 Manor Road, Hurworth Place, DARLINGTON, County Durham, DL2 2HJ
Part of The Scout Association
Registered Charity (England & Wales): 306101
Gilwell Park, Chingford, London, E4 7QW