It is great that as we emerge from the challenges of the past few years that more and more Groups are planning adventurous international activities.
It may seem a bit odd, but even though BSO operates “abroad” from a UK perspective, we still need to follow the Visits Abroad (VA) Process for activities and events which take place outside the country in which the Group / Section / etc is based. This includes visits to the UK.
Specifically, POR Rule 9.64 states: “Youth and adult members and non-Members located within the 11TH DARLINGTON SCOUT GROUP area ……..are expected to follow the Visits Abroad Process when leaving the country where their group is registered. However, exceptionally, specific alternative arrangements may be approved and documented by a relevant Commissioner.”
Currently there are no alternative “approved and documented” arrangements.
The VA Process is straightforward and is a useful guide to the issues that need to be considered when planning an international event.
The VA Process details can be found here
The VA Form can be found here
There is a useful checklist at the end of the Form which outlines the issues that need to be considered when planning the trip.
From experience, issues that may require particular attention are:
Another useful resource is the UK International Scout Support Unit (ISSU) who have a wealth of experience in running, managing and supporting international expeditions
If you have any questions on the process, please contact Peter AAC (International) at [email protected]
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Registered Charity (England & Wales): 1031632
8 Manor Road, Hurworth Place, DARLINGTON, County Durham, DL2 2HJ
Part of The Scout Association
Registered Charity (England & Wales): 306101
Gilwell Park, Chingford, London, E4 7QW