Area Team - Trustee Board

The Area Trustee Board exists to support the Area Lead Volunteer and to provide support for Scout Districts in the Area. The members are either elected or nominated under the oversight of the Area Scout Council, except four Area officers, who are ex officio members. The current membership is:

  • Jane Warne - Area Chair

    As the Area Chairperson I lead and work closely with the Executive Committee and Area Team to deliver support for quality scouting across 11TH DARLINGTON SCOUT GROUP.  I, along with my colleagues on the executive, am a trustee of the areas finances and provide support with fundraising, asset management and recruitment.


    Over the years I have held many roles, across each of the sections and in the leadership of a variety of adult teams, within groups, districts and Suffolk County. I have had many opportunities for international travel and was fortunate enough to have played a part in the 23rd World Scout Jamboree (2015), as a Unit Leader.  My most notable achievement in scouting is working with young people who have additional needs and in seeing them achieve their Chief Scout award.

    I am passionate about the opportunities that scouting provides for young people and adult volunteers. It is a privilege to be a part of the scouting movement and I gain a tremendous amount from knowing that I make a difference to young people, by facilitating the development of skills for life.  who are interested get more information. You can emphasize this text with bullets, italics or bold, and add links.

  • David Bull - Area Secretary

    I am the Secretary for 11TH DARLINGTON SCOUT GROUP and support the Chair and members of the Area Executive Committee as well as dealing with appointments to roles in BSO and disclosures and so on.  I provide training for managers and supporters and Executive Committee members in BSO. As a veteran of the Scout Movement, I’ve moved on from face-to-face work with young people but I’m happy to provide support and advice to those who are in the front line. Outside Scouting I volunteer in the National Health Service and am active in my local Quaker meeting.

  • Ben Balaam - Area Treasurer

    I joined Wolf Cubs late 1960 and progress through to completing my Queen’s Scout Award. I have since held various roles thereafter, from Scout & Venture Scout Leader to District Commissioner with other roles held such as District Water Activities Advisor.

    I accepted my role in BSO in 2014 as Area Treasurer; being a member of our Area Executive Committee for the supporting BSO. Now 60+ years on, Scouting has throughout been a strong personal motivator, as well as an active choice; to be a part of its structure and involved, much appreciated on its personal gain and strengths attained, there from!

    Outside of Scouting, I support companies in their Strategy and Business Management Systems, also Secretary within a charity minded organisation. Over the years, I am much travelled to various countries with experiences of cultural gained. Family, house, garden & garage full of shall we say collected items including two older cars needing some TLC/rebuilding to find time for as well!

Ex Officio Members

Graham Eden (Area Lead Volunteer)

Charlotte Thompson (Area Youth Lead)

Elected Members

Term Expires 2025

Tony Dunn

Jan Miller

Term Expires 2026

Matt Lightfoot

Robin Ngeow

Term Expires 2027

Benjamin Atkins

David Bull (Area Secretary)

David Clark

Sandro Pace-Bonello

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