25th World Scout Jamboree

25th World Scout Jamboree banner

We’re so excited that BSO has been allocated three patrols (with a fourth Patrol from British Guiding Overseas to make up one unit) to become part of the UK Contingent going to the 25 World Scout Jamboree in Korea during 2023; with the very exciting news that the allocated unit number is Unit 1! 

Attending a World Scout Jamboree is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity where young people come of age, meet new people, experience new cultures, have amazing adventures and make friends for life from all over the globe.  For many that attend it is truly their best experience to date, paving the way to lifelong friendships, to university or even a career.

Applications to apply for one of the 11TH DARLINGTON SCOUT GROUP places to go to South Korea have now closed and we have a full unit. 

The WSJ is the biggest, most diverse meeting of scouts on the planet – you are guaranteed to have the time of your life - meet amazing new people, experience new cultures, sample new foods, learn more about yourself and others, travel to new places, have fantastic adventures and make friends for life.

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter at #Unit1WSJ25 where we will keep you updated on the recruitment process. Grab your chance – Draw your Dream and Dream Wild!”

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