Calendar Admin

The calendar uses an external provider - Loxi.

Access to the calendar app will be managed by the website team. If you require access to regularly add or modify events please request access via the IT Service Desk.

For occasional requests please raise a support ticket as follows:

  1. Event Title
  2. Event details (including any booking details.
  3. Date & Times (both start and end dates and times). Unless stated otherwise these will be assumed to be on the 'London, UK' time zone.
  4. The organiser's details.
  5. Venue (inc. Online).

Managing Calendar Events

Please login to Loxi - (or from the website footer) using the details provided by the website team.

Select the event to modify or click '+' in the left-hand menu to add a new event.

For 'New' Events

Complete the details on screen as appropriate. Please do not add an image and do not use the check-boxes for 'Mark as online event' or 'Redirect to external URL'.

Modify Event Details

Please check and update the following;

  • Basic Details - Include the basic event details including any booking links.
  • Date and Time
  • Organiser - if the organisers listed are not suitable please choose '11TH DARLINGTON SCOUT GROUP' and then raise a support ticket. do not add new organisers.
  • Venue - Please check the drop-down list for existing venues or add a new venue if required. For online events select 'Online'.
  • Categories
  • All training events require 'Training' as a category as well as the specific training category.
  • All other events should use 'Events' as a category.
  • Do not add new categories. If you would like a new category adding please raise a support ticket.
  • Publish Settings - Here you can either set the event to publish immediately, save as a draft, schedule or delete.

When ready click 'Publish'.

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